Academy of Medicine Reports (Previously the Institute of Medicine)

The Institute of Medicine has embraced IHO’s recommended approach to patient flow variability management, and it’s role in addressing the problem of ED overcrowding in its 2006 report, The Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System. It also recommended using Variability Methodology® and queuing theory in health care settings to achieve continuous improvement and better quality care at lower cost in its recent reports, Best Care at Lower Cost and A CEO Checklist for High-Value Health Care and identified variability in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network created significant variations in performance.

American Hospital Association’s Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence

The Institute for Healthcare Optimization’s approach is recognized by the American Hospital Association as a key principle for achieving IOM’s Six Aims for Improvement: care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered.

Joint Commission Resources

The Institute for Healthcare Optimization’s approach to managing variability in healthcare delivery is the central theme of Joint Commission Resources’ second edition of the book: Managing Patient Flow in Hospitals: Strategies and Solutions.

Government Accountability Office

The Government Accountability Office recognizes variability in elective admissions as one of the key drivers of ED overcrowding (see page 23).

American College of Emergency Physicians

ACEP recommends coordination of scheduling of elective and surgical cases as one of the high impact solutions for ED overcrowding.

American Nurses Association

American Nurses Association considers IHO Variability Methodology® as one of the key measures for improving patient safety.

The Leapfrog Group

For its 2011 Hospital Survey, the Leapfrog Group introduced Smooth Patient Scheduling as a new safety leap.

American Organization of Nurse Executives

The American Organization of Nurse Executives considers managing patient flow variability to be a cornerstone for improving nursing working conditions, quality, safety and cost of care.

The Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses has adopted the position that strategies to eliminate artificial variability in census need to be developed.