Why Hospital Administrators Should Focus on Patient Flow

Your organization seems to always have an insatiable appetite for more resources; more beds, more MRIs, more operating rooms, more staff, and the list goes on. Every year you put yourself through a grueling budgeting exercise to do the best you can to address all the requests you receive from your providers and staff. And yet, you are never quite sure how to determine the adequate level of resources in your various departments. The science of operations management and the use of IHO Variability Methodology® services provide an array of tools to put you in the driver’s seat to hardwire performance excellence on various fronts.

Ellis M. Knight, MD, MBA; Senior Vice President, Ambulatory Services, Palmetto Health System, Columbia, SC

The Benefits

Operations management generally, and IHO Variability Methodology® services in particular, can help you to:

  • Increase access by enhancing your ability to care for more patients
  • Improve patient, staff, nurse, and physician satisfaction
  • Decrease patient waiting times
  • Decrease ED overcrowding and boarding
  • Decrease day-to-day chaos
  • Decrease overtime and waste, and
  • Objectively plan your resource needs
  • Strengthen your financial position

John Chessare, MD, MPH; Previously Chief Medical Officer at Boston Medical Center and Keith Lewis, MD, RPh; Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine(This video is an excerpt from Joint Commission Resources’ video about Managing Patient Flow)